Argentina (86 new species)
- Buff-necked Ibis
- Ashy-headed goose
- Roadside hawk
- Rufescent Tiger Heron
- Snowy egret
- White-faced Ibis
- Coscoraba
- Silver teal
- South American Stilt
- Wattled Jacana
- Greater yellowlegs
- Picazuro pegeon
- Eared dove
- Monk Parakeet
- Tropical Kingbird
- Fork-tailed Flycatcher
- Brown-chested Martin
- Red-crested Cardinal
- Black and rufous Warbling Finch
- White tufted grebe
- Chilean flamingo
- Brown pintail
- Red shoveler
- Ruddy Duck
- Cinereous harrier
- Red-gartered Coot
- Hellmayr's Pipit
- Olivaceous cormorant
- White-necked Heron
- Maguari Stork
- Southern Screamer
- Brazilian Duck
- Snail kite
- Rufous-sided crake
- Giant Wood-Rail
- Limpkin
- Yellow-billed tern
- Spot-winged pigeon
- Picui Ground Dove
- Smooth-billed Ani
- Guira cuckoo
- Band-winged Nightjar
- Green-barred Woodpecker
- Field Flcker
- Narrow-billed woodcreeper
- Yellow-chinned Spinetail
- Sooty Tyrannulet
- Pied water tyrant
- White headed Marsh-Tyrant
- Cattle Tyrant
- Brown-crested Flycatcher
- Masked gnatcatcher
- Tropical Parula
- Greenwinged Saltator
- Yellow-billed Cardinal
- Redcrested finch
- Rusty-collared seedeater
- Great Pampa-Finch
- Shiny cowbird
- Bay-winged cowbird
- Golden-winged cacique
- Unicoloured Blackbird
- Epaulet Oriole
- Troupial
- Scarlet-headed Blackbird
- Great grebe
- Southern Martin
- Lessrer Rhea
- Giant Petrel
- Red-backed hawk
- Magellanic Oystercatcher
- Blackish Oystercatcher
- Dolphin gull
- Chalk-browed Mockingbird
- Elegant crested Tinamou
- Burrowing owl
- Streamer-tailed Tyrant
- Austral thrush
- Magellanic Penguin
- Austral Negrito
- Fulvous tree duck
- Speckled teal
- Azure Gallinule
- Southern lapwing
- Solitary sandpiper
- Band-tailed seedeater
Chile (24 new species)
- Black browed albatross
- Kelp Goose
- King cormorant
- Pied billed Grebe
- White-Winged Coot
- Chilean swallow
- Black-necked swan
- Crested duck
- Flightless steamer duck
- Southern wigeon
- South American tern
- Upland Goose
- Andean Condor
- Crested Caracara
- Common snipe
- Green-cheeked Parakeet
- Chequered Woodpecker
- White-throated Treerunner
- Black-throated Huet Huet
- Black billed shrike-tyrant
- House wren
- Grey-hooded Sierra Finch
- Brown-hooded gull
- Northern Waterthrush
Bolivia (9 new species)
- Black Skimmer
- Blue and Yellow Macaw
- Blue-crowned Parakeet
- Hoatzin
- Cuviers Toucan
- Razor-billed Curassow
- American kestrel
- Mountain caracara
- Red-backed sierra finch
Brazil (23 new species)
- Greater Rhea
- Red-Legged Seriema
- Red and Green Macaw
- Peach-fronted Parakeet
- Black-throated Mango
- Bare-faced Ibis
- Jabiru
- Turkey vulture
- Black-collared Hawk
- Solitary Eagle
- Chaco chachalaca
- Common Piping-Guan
- Bare-faced curassow
- Hyacinth Macaw
- Black-hooded Parakeet
- Reddish-bellied Parakeet
- Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
- Ringed Kingfisher
- Green Kingfisher
- Rufous-tailed Jacamar
- Black and white Monjita
- Bananaquit
- Puna Yellowfinch
Peru (16 new species)
- Blue-crowned Trogan
- saffron crowned tanager
- Inca tern
- guanay cormorant
- banded gull
- Humboldt penguin
- Andean gull
- Peruvian pelican
- Neotropical cormorant
- Red-legged cormorant
- Peruvian booby
- White-winged dove
- Andean Hillstar
- Great thrush
- Torrent duck
Ecuador (129 new species)
- chimborazo hillstar
- sun grebe
- magpie tanager
- violaceousjay
- screaming piha
- many banded aracari
- masked crimson tanager
- blackheaded parrot
- russetbacked oropendola
- black hawk eagle
- white banded swallow
- Greater ani
- Blue footed booby
- yellow warbler
- Great blue heron
- Magnificent frigatebird
- White vented storm petrel
- Audubon's shearwater
- Great Frigatebird
- Swallow-tailed gull
- Lava gull
- Small ground finch
- Noddy tern
- Galapagos hawk
- Galapagos mockingbird
- Hood mockingbird
- Redbilled tropic bird
- Yellow-crowned night heron
- Waved albatross
- Masked booby
- Lava heron
- Warbler finch
- Medium ground finch
- Large ground finch
- Small tree finch
- Red footed booby
- Large cactus finch
- Galapagos dove
- Wandering tattler
- Booted racket-tail
- white-necked jacobin
- Purple-throated woodstar
- Green-crowned woodnymph
- Black-throated brilliant
- Rufous-tailed hummingbird
- Brown violetear
- Green thorntail
- Blue-grey tanager
- blue and white swallow
- Palm tanager
- Tricoloured brush-finch
- Variable seed eater
- Blackwinged saltator
- Dusky bush-tanager
- Lemon-rumped tanager
- Flame-faced tanager
- Golden tanager
- Orange-bellied euphonia
- White-capped dipper
- Mountain wren
- Southern roughwinged swallow
- Masked tityra
- Dusky-capped flycatcher
- Black phoebe
- Scale-crested pygmy tyrant
- Ornate flycatcher
- Bay wren
- Strongbilled woodcreeper
- Smoky-brown woodpecker
- Scarletbacked woodpecker
- Guayaquil woodpecker
- Golden-headed quetzal
- Chestnut-mandibled toucan
- Crimson-rumped toucanet
- Masked trogon
- White-whiskered hermit
- Ruddy pigeon
- Whitetipped dove
- Swallow-tailed kite
- Velvet purple coronet
- Plate billed mountain toucan
- Yellow-breasted antpitta
- Great antpitta
- Andean cock of the rock
- Fawn breasted brilliant
- Violet-tailed sylph
- White-bellied woodstar
- Buff-tailed coronet
- Sparkling violetear
- Purple-bibbed white tip
- Toucan barbet
- Pale mandibled aracri
- Slate throated whitestart
- cinnamon becard
- Club-winged manakin
- Three-striped warbler
- Wedge-billed woodcreeper
- Spotted woodcreeper
- Golden-winged manakin
- Bronze-winged parrot
- Rusty-margined flycatcher
- Spotted barbtail (woodcreeper)
- Scarlet-backed woodpecker
- yellow-billed elaenia
- Red-faced spinetail
- Yellow-bellied seedeater
- Torrent tyrannulet
- Black-cheeked woodpecker
- Social flycatcher
- Common tody-flycatcher
- Sickle-winged guan
- Yellow-throated bush tanager
- Powerful woodpecker
- Golden olive woodpecker
- Buff-fronted foliage gleaner
- Grey rumped swift
- Lineated foliage-gleaner
- Laughing falcon
- Masked water tyrant
- Vermillion flycatcher
- Yellow-tailed oriole
- Yellow-rumped cacique
- Bat falcon
- Croaking ground dove
- Black-capped sparrow
- Blue-crowned motmot
- Long-tailed mockingbird
- Collared plover
- Galapagos flycatcher
What a lot!!! Hope you got time to see the Allybird as well. R
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