
23 May 2005

Cheshire Triathlon

Doing a triathlon was a life goal for both of us. Despite our rather lax training, we did rather well. 250 metre swim, followed by a 20 km cycle and a 2.5 km run. A great sense of achievment afterwards - and I'm now motivated to attack a longer in a couple of months time. Colleen did it with us while Steve supported with gusto. He's going to do it next time too. A great day out.

Unwinding after. Silly devils through bread.

Our new Audi: Ally got to borrow an Audi A4 from work for the weekend so we drove up to Cheshire in style. We could rather get used to a car like this!


Mum said...

Very impressive. However you have a way to go before you get to Mike Vanderbeck's standard! Looks as though it was fun which was the main thing!

Trish said...

I'm so impressed! Too bad you'll miss the Mini Vernon triathalon this summer. We could have made it an international meet! Hope I don't end up being the only member of the family who has NO interest in becoming a triathlete. But now you and Mike can all bond with your stories!!!

Graeme said...

yes, we'll have lots to chat about. Hopefully by August we'll have managed to do a longer one and feel proud in the telling of it!
