
16 May 2005

Ally's little ones

Ally's surrogate babies are doing rather well. Her balcony plant, which we were convinced was dead, is reviving very nicely indeed and the orchid has it's first ever flower stem so we wait with bated breath for its blooming. Ally's love and nurturing is clearly paying off...


Mum said...

It's amazing how orchids recover. We have one that looks totally dead but will eventually bring forth a beautiful flower - even if I don't water it!.

Graeme said...

our one gets perhaps too much water. it's by far the most looked after and loved plant in Cambridge - if not the whole UK.

Ally said...

Well - Mr G my maternal instincts need to go somewhere:)

Robyn said...

Alert us to when it has flowered. I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome.

Graeme said...

will do - with a macro lens for extra close up!
