Bill and Lynne (friends of Mike ) have just completed their stint in India (part of a world trip) and made me laugh with their account. Really well written, it brought back some great memories - although I have to say we unfortunately didn't experience it in quite their style. I don't remember any marble bathrooms or "roofs lined with silk" from the hotels where we stayed - although the squalid backpacker toilets do come to mind all too swiftly! I'd love to go back to India one day but I don't think Ally shares my enthusiasm. Perhaps if I convince her we'll do it more like Bill and Lynne, I'll be able to convince her!
Yes, G. It will take some really good plans before you get A to India again. After her last trip she found even Durban a bit much. I think that it was the camel excursion and seeing people brushing their teeth at the side of the road that put her off.
i think it also had something to do with projectile vomiting off the back of the camel in the desert. Oh well, maybe 5 star luxury will help entice her - though i hear even then you're not assured of escaping the Delhi Belly :(
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