
31 January 2005

Insights (Cambridge life: 2004 - 2005)

Don't sweat the small stuff 

  • Everything passes.
  • Let others be right. Choose being kind over being right.
  • Instead of judging, be an anthropologist.
  • Accept the moment as it is.
  • You are what you practice most.
  • 100 years from now, we'll all be gone from the planet.
  • Don't be fooled by your low moods.
  • Everyone is a teacher, here to teach you about yourself.
  • Let go of need for approval.  You can't please all.  Even landslide victory is 55%

Getting Things Done (David Allen)

  • Collect it all. Now (2 mins), actions, someday.
  • What's the next action?
  • What's the purpose.
  • Mind like water.
  • To do in Mindmanager

