
18 June 2004

Farewell Sarah

It was Sarah's last day at work today (she's on the left). She's leaving us after only three months which is very sad because she was extremely good at her job and extremely nice to boot. Unfortunately she was offered a sexy job at an web agency in Cambridge and dull old construction equipment just couldn't compete with that. So we went out to dinner after the game to say cheerio. Hopefully we'll see lots more of her in our social gatherings...


Anonymous said...

The one on the right looks pretty too. Does she also work with you? Mum

Graeme said...

That's Jenny - she's working in our team on the dealer side. She's from Sweden (obviously with all that blonde hair!) but has fallen for an English chap living in London who has three young kids. Getting married next month so talk about an instant family!!! It truly must be love...

mum said...

The one on the right looks pretty too. Does she also work with you?

Graeme said...

That's Jenny - she's working in our team on the dealer side. She's from Sweden (obviously with all that blonde hair!) but has fallen for an English chap living in London who has three young kids. Getting married next month so talk about an instant family!!! It truly must be love...
