London life
- Deciding to go to London to escape financial demons
- Set me up for travel and Australia
- Getting Hammersmith Grove apartment
- My new computer
- Having Ally's support (depression, tour-leading)
- Keri's access to play tickets
- Rollerblading
- Touch rugby
- Joanna, Colleen, Steve
- Getting the job
- Newbie hired at same time as me: took some pressure off
- Learned how to create presentations with a flow
- Exposure to lovely, creative people: Peter, Anita, Aaron, Ken
- Put onto Bank Hapoalim Project to be nurtured by Anita and Peter
- Talie at Bank Hapoalim
- Leaving when I did (not long before closed London office)
- Deciding to go
- Able to leave from Cape Town
- Lovely group
- Decision to go
- Meeting Dutch girl - impetus to do it without using a guide
- Meeting Nic, Sanjay and co
- A chance to read spiritual books and connect to wonder and beauty
Middle east tour-leading
- Oasis just happening to need a new leader when they did
- Resigning which took all the pressure off
- Donna and Garry
- Offered South America leg (good for my confidence)
- Shona and Nici
- Had Javed and Ken to give me a reference
- Ken asked me to do some work and I impressed him (to get reference)
- Sending my CV to Volvo
- Getting the call from Matts
- Caroline as a soul-mate
- The great success of the project (great team)
- Andrew Titley made me look good
- CMS training person left and I took over (a thrived with it)
- Volvo coming when it did (and the incredible renaissance it sprung)
- Feeling so confident (on a grateful high)
- Iguazu Falls, Asheville, Gothenburg
- Rosemarie giving me Conversations with God - causing a whole new way of seeing God
- Annapurna Circuit, especially the stillness at the lake, inspired by Deepak Chopra
Life Trove
- Finding blogs when surfing which would later inspire Life Trove
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