Insights (London years: 2000 - 2003)
Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch)
- This moment is perfect, bring just miracles and angels
- God is love and never judges.
- Life is to announce, declare, express Who You Really Are
- To experience Who You Are, you also must experience who you're not.
- Life is about creating who you are in order to experience that.
- I create my own meaning.
- I create moments of grace.
- I am love.
- I am in a relative world of dark to expeience divinity (the candle.) Curse not the darkness.
- All paths lead to God
- Each moment, I draw to myself the perfect people and situations.
- I create through my choices. Choose from love, not fear.
- The highest authority for truth is in me. Does it resonate within?
- What they say doesn't need to be the truth. It leads me to my own.
- Relationships exist for me to decide what part of myself I want to experience and express.
- Ask "What would love do now?"
- What you wish to have, cause another to have.
- Practice non judgement.
- Pray from gratitude, not supplication
7 Laws of Spiritual Success (Deepak Chopra)
- The power of stillness. "The world will roll in ecstacy at your feet."
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