Passing away
- Dad takes his life
- Putting Meg down
- Sore neck
- Sore wrists
- 1998 return - depression caused by finances, trying to keep it together at Old Mutual
- Peter Hamp Adams negative performance review which Daniel counters
Work anxiety
- Technology presentation
- Steering Committee meetings
- Dread when water system goes in morning
- ILPA stress (especially results)
- Wake up in panic on balcony (Peter Hamp-Adams)
- Peter Hamp Adams negative review
- Gateway delays
1996, early 1997 (before travels)
- Rand plummets, obsession re getting money out of South Africa (despite forex restrictions)
- Going with Bruce, then Safren doubts (clouding excitement of travels, Ivor camping)
1997 travels
- A real sense of scarcity - rands not worth much, always decreasing in value
- Oliver falling out (took money out for me)
- Asian financial crisis
- Thailand (check index in Bangkok, the need to sell, on the island, fear Jo is doing much better)
- London (ahead of India)
- London after travels (constant obsession, IBM underperforming)
Cape Town 1998 & 1999
- Jo's call changes my destiny (decide to leave Syfrets)
- Sell Syfrets funds as market rises - sleepless walks
- Intuition screams no to Investec but go anyway
- Going with Investec, then JSE & rand plummets, and they sell and invest in Thebe etc.
- Funds under R5 million. Charged 2%
- Investec not invest my money overseas before rand plummets
- Head in sand, avoid newspaper, constant ill ease
- Depression ahead of Ally coming home - trying to keep it together at Old Mutual
- Obsession while hiking
- Decision to move all overseas in early 2000
Reflections on finances
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