
1 January 1991

If it isn't about love, it isn't about God

  • God is love. God accepts me as I am. God expects nothing of me.  God does not judge. Nothing makes God unhappy. God would never condemn anyone. I do not need to change anything or "get better" to be seen as perfect and beautiful in God's eyes.  N. D. Walsch
  • The Great Mystery never judges me.  The Great Mystery supports, nourishes, loves and accepts me totally. And encourages me to do the same.  "Love thyself as I love you." And it is not just me that the Great Mystery loves. It comforts everyone, even the most wicked. Such is its love. None will be punished except those who punish themselves. All is forgiven when you forgive yourself. One thing only is asked of us: that we love and accept ourselves as the universe has loved and accepted us. That is all. John Kehoe
  • God needs nothing. God cannot fail, and neither can I. Nothing is separate from anything. There is enough. There is nothing I have to do. I will never be judged. Love knows no condition. A thing cannot be superior to itself. I already know all of this.  N. D. Walsch
  • If it isn't about love, it isn't about God  Susan Jeffers
  • When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart", but rather, "I am in the heart of God". Kahlil Gibran
  • Earthly things must be known to be loved;  Divine things must be loved to be known. Blaise Pascal
  • As swimmers dare
    to lie face to the sky
    and water bears them,
    as hawks rest upon air
    and air sustains them,
    so I would learn to attain
    free fall and float
    into Creator Spirit's deep embrace,
    knowing no effort earns
    that all surrounding grace. Denise Levertov

