You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to be quiet, and still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstacy at your feet. Deepak Chopra
Wherever I go, and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me. The gifts of nature, sunlight and the sounds of birds singing. Deepak Chopra
The more you give, the more you receive because you keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. Deepak Chopra
Be the source. If you want joy, give joy to others. If you want love, learn to give love. The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. Deepak Chopra
Intention combined with detachment leads to to life centred, present-moment awareness. My intent is for the future, but my attention is in the present. I accept the present and intend the future. I let go of my attachment to outcome. I enjoy every moment in the journey of life. Deepak Chopra
I make a list of all my desires. I will carry this wherever I go. I will look at this list before I go into stillness and sleep. And when I wake. I release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don't seem to go my way, there is a reason, that the cosmic plan has designs for me grander than even those that I have conceived. Deepak Chopra
Life is a cosmic game of hide and seek in which we lose ourselves to find ourselves. Deepak Chopra
Non judgement creates silence in your mind. Judgement is the constant evaluation of things as right or wrong, good or bad. When you are constantly evaluating, classifying, labelling, analyzing, you create a lot of turbulence in your internal dialogue. This turbulence constricts the flow of energy between you and the field of pure potentiality. Deepak Chopra
Most of our energy goes into maintaining our own importance. If we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us. One, we would free ourselves from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two, we would provide ourselves with enough energy to catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the universe. Deepak Chopra
Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur. I know that this moment is as it should be because the whole universe is as it should be. When I struggle against this moment, I struggle against the whole universe. I embrace the present and become one with it. I fully experience it. Deepak Chopra
I make a list of my unique talents. Then I list all the things I love to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them in the service of humanity, I lose track of time and create abundance in my life as well as the life of others. Deepak Chopra
In reality, we are divinity in disguise, and the gods and goddeses in embyro that are contained within us seek to be fully materialised. True success is therefore the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us. It is the perception of divinity wherever we go, in whatever we perceive. Deepak Chopra
I lovingly nurture the god in embryo that lies deep within my soul. I awaken myself to the deep stillness that lies deep within my heart. Deepak Chopra
When the mind is quiet, we come to know ourselves as the pure witness. Deepak Chopra
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