- Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shore
- It is the purpose of your soul to announce and declare, to be and to express, to experience and to fulfil Who You Really Are. And who is that? Whoever you say you are! Your life lived is your declaration. Your choices define you. Every act is an act of self definition. N. D. Walsch
- The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore not to find out Who You Are but determine Who You Want to Be. N. D. Walsch
- Life is about choosing what I want to experience of my Self N. D. Walsch
- Life is a constant process of limitless creation. It is about recreating Who You are, by remembering all you have always known, and choosing what you want to experience of your Self. Go therefore into this magnificent world of your creation and make your lifetime an extraordinary statement of and a breathtaking experience of the greatest idea that you have ever had of yourself. N. D. Walsch
- Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself. (Erich Fromm)
- It is not God's function to create or uncreate the circumstances of my life. God created me in the likeness of God. I have created the rest, through the power God has given me. God has given me the free choice to create with life as I will. N. D. Walsch
- We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. (Anais Nin)
- What we see depends mainly on what we look for. John Lubbock
- We are the cutting edge of becoming. Terence McKenna
- You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in. Arlo Guthrie
- Your focus becomes your reality.
- Your purpose is to create and recreate yourself anew in each golden moment of Now in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you have ever held about Who You Really Are. To announce and become, express and fulfil, experience and know your true Self. N. D. Walsch
- I am not my past. I am not my yesterdays. I am not what I did yesterday, what I said yesterday, what I thought yesterday. I am the grandest version of the greatest vision I've ever had about who I am. Creating myself anew in the golden moment of now. N. D. Walsch
- I remember I am simply using illusions to create a localised contextual field within which I can experience, and not merely conceptualise, any one of the myriad aspects of Who I Am. I use this contextual field like an artist using a paint brush, producing wonderful pictures and creating powerful and extraordinary moments - moments of grace - in which I may know myself experientially. N. D. Walsch
- "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Gandhi
Life Trove
A celebration of treasured moments
2 January 1991
Creating yourself as you choose to be
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