- I am enough. I go easy on myself. I nurture myself.
- I am enough, there is enough and this moment is perfect
- I catch myself doing things right. I capture things I am proud of.
- I feel and acknowledge my feelings. I feel free to express them openly if I choose.
- I do not take life too seriously. It is a wondrous and fun adventure to be enjoyed.
- I love my imperfections and foibles as I love my strengths.
- I choose to grow, not to improve or better myself, but to increase my capacity for happiness.
- I make plenty of time for what I love.
- I nurture my body through healthy diet, fun exercise and plenty of rest.
- I am calmly assertive, knowing I am worthy of respect. I am not afraid to say "no."
- I am my own best friend. I give myself a hug.
- I am not afraid to ask.
- I free myself of "musts" and "shoulds" I do because I choose to.
- I do to enjoy, not because "I have to win" or "be the best"
- I surrender to the inevitable ebbs and flows of life.
- I act where I can and choose to, then allow all to flow.
- I welcome mistakes and failures as I welcome successes for they are portals of discovery and signs I am truly alive.
- I listen to my own truth far more than the praise, criticism and insistences of others.
- I feel free to be myself, make my own rules and develop my own original style.
- I allow things to develop with time knowing that great things can be achieved through consistent, small steps in the right direction.
- I let go of perfectionism for it clogs freedom and creative energy.
Coming home
- I pull up a chair and get acquainted with the me that exists right now. I am enough! I am beautiful as I am. This is a wonderful and courageous step. I can relax and enjoy myself. I become more tolerant of myself and others. I am able to delight in uniqueness. John Kehoe
- I come home to life as well. Things are what they are. I let go and allow life to just happen, instead of trying to orchestrate it. I appreciate everything just for what it is. I've tried to make believe life is something it is not - some utopia where every dream is fulfilled. Life is happy and sad. Life is joy and grief. Life is health and sickness. Life is excitement and boredom. Life is having friends and being lonely. Life is achieving your goals and failing at your goals. Life is being confused and being sure. Life is what it is and if I look at it beyond my illusion of what I think it should be, I find within its diversity, tremendous beauty and goodness. Friendship, a brilliant blue sky, making love, sunsets, acts of kindness, the beach, trees, a good movie, delicious food, a hot bath, beautiful music. Maybe there's no caviar but there's always a hot bowl of soup and it will nourish me. I let go of any bitterness, disappointment, anxiety or frustration and let the sun warm my bones. Wake up! Life is spilling out abundantly. Come home and enjoy it. John Kehoe
I nourish my centre
- Learn to pat yourself on the back for your past and present victories, not matter how small. Search for things to acknowledge. Write down every strong point you can come up with in your life, past and present. John Kehoe
- Redefine a "meaningful accomplishment." If being peaceful and loving are amongst your primary goals, then why not redefine your most meaningful accomplishments as being those that support and measure qualities such as kindness and happiness. Richard Carlson
- I catch myself doing things right
- I am my own best friend
- Give yourself a hug. Dr Irene C. Kassorla
- Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. E.E. Cummings
I nourish my body
- I nourish my body through exercise, rest, good posture and healthy food
- Vibrant health is based on natural principles. It grows over time out of regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest, a healthy mind-set, avoiding substances that are harmful to the body. Stephen Covey
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