- All we have to know is our own truth, not someone else's. When we understand this, we understand everything. We understand that what others are saying doesn't have to be The Truth; it only has to lead us to our own. All things lead us to our inner most truth. That is their purpose. When it comes to knowing the Truth, the highest authority lies within you. N. D. Walsch
- The highest authority lies within me. I believe only what resonates deep within. I let the truth reveal itself. I do not grasp. Does it ring true? Does it inspire me? Is this an expression of Who I Am? If it is, it will ring true - for I will have been reunited with my innermost wisdom. N. D. Walsch
- Seek always for the answer within. Be not influenced by those around you, by their thoughts or their words. Eileen Caddy
- Say not this is true. Say this is true for me. Say not mine is a better way. Say mine is merely another way. N. D. Walsch
- Say not I have found the truth, but rather I have found a truth. Kahlil Gibran
- Be a light unto yourself. Buddha
- All things based on illusion rather than principle have no sustaining power because they don't tap into that deep burning yes. Stephen Covey
- Find your truth. Stand in your truth. Speak from your truth.
The power of believing
- "What is real?” asks the voice of Truth to the spirits of all who have lived. Like the sound of a raging river, I hear the voices of millions, each proclaiming their truth - all different with many contradictions. Silence fills the air and there is great expectation. Then The Book of Law falls open. Its pages are empty. And the voice of Truth answers: "As thou hast believed, so it is true. Whatever you believe within, that you will see without. All power belongs to those who believe."
- Whatever I believe within, that will I see without. All power belongs to those who believe. I re-examine every belief I possess. Does it empower me? Awaken within me my sacred song? All the beliefs that fail are halved and quartered by the Warrior. I choose my beliefs from within. Daily, like eating and bathing, I focus and meditate upon the things I wish to believe. Imagine them to be true. Use simple affirmations. To imprint these onto my consciousness in much the same way as the times table. I know that any thought or concept, which is fed and nourished through repetition, will take hold within me. John Kehoe
- Man is what he believes. Anton Chekhov
- There are fundamental laws of life (Truths) that operate with unerring consistency - and I am better off to the degree to which I learn to live according to them. Stephen Covey
- I live my life by True North principles - the Laws of Life. I connect with the wisdom of the ages and the wisdom of the heart. My security does not come from the way people treat me or by comparing myself to others. It comes from my basic integrity. Stephen Covey
- Beliefs are the key. Affirming beliefs spur us to action towards our dreams. Associate pleasure with affirming beliefs. Look for legs to support them and build them up. Cast doubt on beliefs that hold you back. Anthony Robbins
- I recreate my beliefs. Thus, I have the power to recreate my reality. For what I believe, I experience. This is original power. I change beliefs that don't belong. Like beliefs of need, separateness, scarcity, failure, judgement, conditionality of love, condemnation and superiority. N. D. Walsch
- Whether you believe you can do a thing or believe you cannot, you are right. Henry Ford
- Once your subconscious has accepted a belief or idea, wether true or not, it will continually feed you thoughts to support that belief. John Kehoe
There are many ways home
- God's greatest truth is that there is not one way only but many ways Home. There are a thousand paths to God and every one will get you there. Indeed all paths lead to God. This is because there is no other place to go. N. D. Walsch
- The spiritual path is not about religions or dogma. It is not about finding the one true way. It is simply the wonder of our own beauty being revealed to ourselves. Of discovering inner sources of power and guidance, and following the path our hearts show us. It is about opening ourselves up to the amazing possibilities that life affords us. For there is more here than we can possibly imagine and all will be greatly rewarded who venture within. John Kehoe
- The Great way has no gate; there are a thousand paths to it. Wu-Men
Creating by Believing
- What I believe, I will see in reality. I have the free will to believe or not believe what I choose. A master's beliefs are not based on his experience, his experience is based on his beliefs. I use thoughts creatively to create beliefs - then I let go of thoughts and move to experience. N. D. Walsch
- The correct prayer is never a prayer of supplication but a prayer of gratitude. Thankfulness is a powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, God has answered. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate. Every prayer - every thought, every statement, every feeling - is creative. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience. N. D. Walsch
- The will to disbelieve is the strongest deterrent to wider horizons. (Hans Holzer)
Creating beliefs
- Create new, more supportive beliefs. Remind yourself that you can voluntarily plant in your subconscious mind any thought or belief you desire, and your mind will accept it provided it is introduced with enough feeling and reinforced through repetition. John Kehoe
- True imprinting requires one to three months before its effects are firmly fixed in the mind. John Kehoe
- The essence of a belief is the establishment of a habit. Charles S. Pearce
- A complete restructuring of my belief system is required. I am called to build a temple with new, more powerful spiritual beliefs. My old, limiting beliefs must be changed. Every belief I possess about myself and my world must be re-examined in this new light. Will it strengthen the temple? Empower me? Awaken within me my sacred song? Assist me on my path? All the beliefs that fail must be halved and quartered by the Warrior. I am prepared to deny my reality. Turn heaven and earth upside down. I need not accept what others have previously accepted. My temple will be a strong vessel, able to withstand the most vigorous journeys, for I intend to explore vigorously through unknown waters both within and without. John Kehoe
- In building my temple, I draw from many sources. I drink deeply from the well of my ancestors. I choose the finest beliefs I can find. Beliefs that speak to my heart. I feel no restraint in borrowing, adding or deleting from one system to the next. Do I believe it? It doesn't matter! Do I choose to believe it! My beliefs are chosen from within, not imposed from without. Daily, like eating and bathing, I focus and meditate upon the things I wish to believe. Imagine them to be true. And use simple affirmations. To imprint these onto my consciousness in much the same way as the times table. I know that any thought or concept which is fed and nourished through repetition will take hold within me. "Think not of results, just do." Until my beliefs become a living, flaming reality. Remember, this is not a path for the sluggard. Much is required before anything is gained. But I persist because there is no way for the temple to built but for one stone upon another. John Kehoe
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