- I live a balanced life of growth and renewal
- I fill my life with exciting variety
- I let go in the midst of excitement
- I live up and out in this moment
- Active / Still
- Grow / Renew
- Create / Analyse
- Break-through / Consolidate
- Assert / Affirm
- Plan / Do
Let go of the mind
- When you allow your mind to take a break, it comes back stronger, sharper, more focused and creative. Richard Carlson
- Think and concentrate in short, relaxed, blocks of time. Don't allow the mind to over steam. It is harmful and painful. The mind is a muscle. Renew your mind.
- A key to balance is to let go in the throes of excitement. Then it grows and creates joy. Grasping exhausts and stifles. Learn to let go and pause.
- Fill the well. Nurture yourself. Consciously replenish your resources. As the Zen saying goes, "The bow kept forever tight will break. Learn to stimulate the "muse within." Fun and diversity are great stimulators.
- I found I could add nearly two hours to my working day by going to bed for an hour after luncheon. Winston Churchill
- Sharpen your Saw (Stephen Covey)
- The most important balance comes from (developing / renewing) and doing. The production / production capability balance. (P/PC) Stephen Covey
- When your schedule is out of hand, it's a signal that it's time to slow down and re- evaluate what's important rather than power through everything on the list. When you're feeling out of control, rather than roll up your sleeves and "get to it," a better strategy is to relax, take a few deep breaths and go for a short walk. Richard Carlson
- You're like a great, big hairy moth bashing yourself to pieces over a silly flame while all the while out there in the cool night there's food and love... Maggie, Thornbirds
- The more time we spend on work to attain more, more, more, the less time we have to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy…. Schedule time for pleasure, then use your will to keep this important schedule. No cancelling allowed. Susan Jeffers
- Learn to pause or nothing worthwhile will catch up with you. Doug King
- Balance is a True North Principal. Nature is living proof. Stephen Covey
- Get your priorities straight. No one on their deathbed ever said, "If only I'd spent more time at the office." Life's Little Instruction Book
- Variety invigorates while routine saps strength. Do different things. Meet different people. Go to different places. Learn different things. Read different books.
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