
1 January 1991

All inspiration and wisdom comes from the Great Mystery. Let go and listen

  • Awaken intuition. Reflect on the fact that the perfect answers and solutions exist within you. State clearly what it is that you wish your subconscious to bring to you. Repeat confidently "My subconscious is now bringing me..." Relax and fill your mind with faith and expectancy that the right answers will come. Then listen to your feelings and hunches and "inner voice." John Kehoe
  • Within our consciousness is contained the wisdom of the ancestors, learned on their own explorations. Christ died for my sins. Buddha became enlightened so I, too, could become enlightened. Black Elk had visions so I could share his visions. We are all one tribe. We who live today receive the benefit of every spiritual act from every person who has ever lived. The river of consciousness flows through the minds of all, past and present. John Kehoe
  • Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.
  • We live in the lap of immense Intelligence. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Inner wisdom, take over now please. Susan Jeffers
  • I ask wide questions that tune me into the universe and my inner intelligence: Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say and to whom? Susan Jeffers
  • Trust your intuitive heart. Open your eyes and heart to your greatest source of wisdom and grace. Set aside a little quiet time to clear your mind and listen. Pay attention only to the calm thoughts and feelings that surface. Richard Carlson
  • Real feelings are the language of the soul. I listen. N. D. Walsch
  • Today I will witness the choices I make in each moment. When I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: What are the consequences? will it bring happiness and fulfillment to me and those effected by this decision? Then I will ask my heart for guidance and be guided by its feeling of comfort or discomfort. Deepak Chopra
  • We have to recognise that intuition is not a flaky concept. Basically, intuition is accumulated knowledge. Andre Alkiewicz

