"The best thing about having a sister is that I always have a friend." Cali Rae Turner
Special memories
- Our heart to hearts and mutual support as teenagers
- The way Gramps adored Jo
- Jo's special childhood friends (Angie, Marcela, Jannie, Wendy)
- Her creativity in making cards and crafts
- Her wedding day
- Jo´s courage in going to the US and Canada as an 18 year old
- Becoming head girl at school
- How wonderful she is with Sammy and Matthew - and how gorgeous they are
- Family holidays to UK, Mauritious, Natal and Eight Bells
- Matric dance with Steve
- Matric dance with Tony (who jogged on the spot on the dance floor!)
- Our fights when we were young (but we soon grew out of it)
- Playing Marco Polo in the pool
- Her favourite toys (barbie, first love doll, walking doll)
- How cute she looked in her school uniform
- Visiting us in Hammersmith with Sammy and Antony
- Hiking club weekends
- Walking and cycling to lunch with Granny and Grandpa Station
- Her exortations to wash my hands after "nature calls " as a kid
- Her special relationship with gran and her amazing eulogy
- Her way with words (grans eulogy, poster for gramps, 50th wedding anniversary card for gran and gramps, letters she writes)
- Our shared sense of humour and sense of fun
- Her brilliant speech at her 21st
- Our mutual support when dad died
- The way she welcomed Ally to the family
- Camping at Palmiet and Betties Bay
- Xmas meals at Constantia and Camps Bay
- Braais at Constantia and Camps Bay
- St James outing with the kids
- Parties for our friends in Constantia when we visit Cape Town
- Her house in Rosmead Avenue and abhorrance for pubic hair in the shower (understandably!)
- Jo and Ants hospitality when we stayed with them during our 2005 visit
- Her hospitality when managing the B&B
- Our shared sweet teeth
- Great cooking and baking (peppermint crisp and caramel, Thai currey, date balls etc.)
- Her love of sushi
- Great taste in fashion and interior decoration
- Her killer look when I cross the mark (not too often these days)
- Her sparkle in her eyes when she laughs
- Her ultimate Xmas cake (sinfully good and inducing drunkeness after one slice!)
- Proudly showing Jo Sydney when she came to stay and how well she navigated herself around
- Our special evening and day together in Joberg after my Kruger Trip.
- The amazing work she did on her garden - she transformed it into something really beautiful
- Her amazing support of Matt and Sam's interests and passions even if it means lots of organising and lifting
- The great photos she takes of the kids and the lovely effects she does in Picasa
- The beautiful calendars she sends with photos from the year
- Putting Sam and Matt's art on the wall in the home - beautiful, colourful and wonderful for their confidence
- The beautiful letter she sent on my 40th birthday that made me cry so much and was just what I needed at the time
- The pillow case she made with photos of the family on it - what a fantsatic gift
- Her love of JJ and taking him for walks at all hours
- Her generosity in buying things from people because she wants to support them
- What a great friend she is to her friends - always supportive, nurturing, affirming and full of fun
- How she always makes me feel good about myself, reminding me of my good qualities
- Her support and encouragement of my photography
- How she saved my life on the 2nd day of The Orange River by being such a strong engine when I was sick and feeling so terrible
- Her pride in her house - and making it into such a lovely, comfortable, warm family home
- Her hospitality and love whenever I visit Cape Town - I always feel so, so welcome
- Calling me "boet."
Letter from Jo (on my 40th birthday)
Dear Graeme
I hope that you have a fantastic 40th birthday today. May this be the start of a new chapter in your life that is filled with love, wonder, excitement, passion, creativity and contentment. You deserve every good thing that comes into your life!
Thanks for being such a special brother. You were always the patient one, giving me gentle encouragement and support when I needed it. You are going to make / and already are a fantastic teacher. You had it in you from many years back.
We shared so much together growing up. Sunday morning escapades, lots of laughs, secrets and chocolates eaten on the sly. I remember drinking milk with you, then spinning round making ourselves so dizzy and laughing so much that it ended up coming out of my nose!!! Christmas with the Culley's, then the Rusconi's, camping trips that I was jealous not to be able to come on and spending hours playing lego, marbles and Marco Polo in the pool. I remember Sunday roasts"with" "Granny' Doris, "white"cheese sandwhiches eaten at Muizenberg with grandpa and waiting in Dad's car in the parking lot while he combed his hair after surfing - while 10 drivers waited for his spot!!
Dinners to Casanova with Granny and Grandpa Freeway and eating Italian kisses. The joy of cycling round to their Epworth Road house and sleeping over, Granny's crispy roast potatoes and lumpy custard. Mom, who was always there for us, making sure we had everything we needed. Friday nights at Youth and then all the lovely, hysterically funny letters you wrote to me while I was overseas I remember your face through the hospital glass when you saw Sam for the first time. I love the fact that you wear your heart on your sleeve and show emotion - both happy and sad.
My only wish is that lived closer together and got to see more of each other but thank goodness for skype, e-mail and of course picasa!!! Once again, we will be thinking of you all day and I will even drink a dinky champagne in your honour.
With all my love
Letter to Jo when she went overseas (1991)
Dear Joey,
Remember when we were very young and I cut your hair and you were so trusting? I felt really grown up and thought I was doing such a good job until Mum saw it and screamed! It took four months to recover and yet you forgave me. I really loved you then.
Remember when I’d come into your room and you’d say “Get out!” and I wouldn’t, then you’d get all angry and your eyes would blaze! You didn’t know it and sometimes I didn’t either, but I loved you then too!
Remember when we’d pig out! We’d be alone at home and you’d say “let’s make custard!” and then we’d eat so much, we’d wish we hadn’t. Or we’d find Mum’s chocolate in the freezer and I’d say “I’ll open it if you have some!” and we would and then she’d get really mad and ‘Id have to go to the caffee at 10 o’clock at night. I really loved you then.
Remember when Grandpa would go on and on, or Dad would get all hyper about something small or Mum would get in a tizz and say “You’re so unfair!” and then we’d secretly look across at each other and raise our eyes to heaven or give secret rude signs. We were often fellow sufferers and I loved you then.
Remember when you helped me dye my hair and it went all carroty and you still didn’t mind walking down the street with me although Grandpa said I looked like a “poefter” I loved you then too!
Remember when you were elected head girl and you did so well and then you gave that tremendous, beautiful speech, and I tried not to cry but didn’t succeed. I sat there with a huge grin and thought I was going to burst with pride. I loved you then, so much!
Remember, when we’d chat and our conversation would always turn to sex. And then we’d say “let’s talk about something else” and two minutes later we’d start talking about sex again! I loved you then.
Remember when you’d tell me your stories of your day at crèche (you are a really beautiful endearing story teller!) or you’d phone me just to find out how I was, or to tell me about our love life. I loved you then.
Remember, too, when we were both feeling down and we lay on your bed and felt so sad, and then we played “snap” and suddenly were laughing so much we ended up on the floor. I loved you then so much, it hurt!
I loved you then, and during all the other times too. And I love you now, more than I can tell you, not only because you’re my little sister and we’ve been through lots together, but also because you’re a truly beautiful, wonderful, incredible person (and don’t you forget it!)
I needn’t tell you, I’m going to miss you like crazy!
But remember, this is such an exciting period and you’re going to grow so much! Have a wonderful time; explore, experience, have a rave!
And if you’re ever lonely, remember I’ll be thinking of you every single day!
Letter to Jo (Dec 2012)
Hi there Jo
One of the blessings, I am most grateful for in my life is you - my fabulous, wonderful sister. I appreciate your love more than words can express. Here are some of the things that I appreciate about you and am deeply grateful for, just from the past year.
- Your wonderful hospitality as always when I was in Cape Town - and always making me feel so incredibly welcome and loved.
- Our special evening and day together in Joberg after my Kruger Trip - thanks so much for your idea of coming up. It was wonderful to spend quality time with you, and you made me completely forget my holiday was over and gave me much needed support and perspective over the damaged car.
- Helping me to book a car and hotel in Cape Town the day before my Kruger trip. I wasn't going to book a hotel but am so very, very glad we did in the end. In retrospect, it would have been very stressful otherwise.
- Your numerous phone calls when I was in the Kruger - I was lonely at times and getting a call from you was often the highlight of my day
- The amazing work you have done on your garden - you've transformed it into something so beautiful. Very, very inspiring.
- Your amazing sense of style. The house is looking so good and there are so many beautiful touches everywhere. You've made the house into such a lovely, warm home.
- Your amazing support of Matt and Sam's interests and passions even if it means lots of organising and lifting. You are such a generous and loving mum, it defies description. They're such incredible, loving kids and much of that is thanks to you.
- The great photos you take of the kids that you send to me regularly and the amazing effects you do in Picasa. You have such a great eye for light and composition, I can certainly learn a thing or two.
- The beautiful calendar and card you sent for Xmas. It's so great to have photos of the family up on the wall that I can look at throughout the year.
- The black fleece you gave me for my birthday. It's my favourite item of clothing at the moment, I wear it all the time.
- Putting Sam and Matt's art on the wall in the home - beautiful, colourful and so wonderful for their confidence
- Your love of JJ and taking him for walks at all hours including the wee wee hours of the morning
- Your generosity in buying things from people (like massage cushions) because you want to support them. I think you made that lady's day!
- What a great friend you are to your many friends - always supportive, nurturing, affirming and full of fun
- Your sparkle and warmth and sense of fun
- How you always makes me feel good about myself, reminding me of my worthwhile qualities and abilities - you're always so encouraging and great for my confidence
- Your support and encouragement of my photography
- How you saved my life on the 2nd day of The Orange River by being such a strong engine (and source of metal support) when I was sick and feeling so terrible. You literally saved my life!
- Your Skype calls - always so great to hear your voice and catch up
- Calling me "boet."
- The beautiful letter you sent me on my 40th birthday that made me cry so much and was just what I needed at the time
- The pillow case you made with photos of the family on it - what an amazing gift. It's on my bed right now.
Letter to Jo (May 16, 2014)
Dearest Jo
Card for Jo (July 2018)
Dear Jo
You're 100% amazing !! Whether you're ...
Thank you for a wonderful time in Cape Town and always making me feel so loved,
G xxx
See also
Letter to Jo (May 16, 2014)
Dearest Jo
- Thank you for always making me feel special and loved.
- Thank you for always being there, no matter what.
- Thank you that I can be completely myself with you, comfortable in my own skin.
- Thank you for always making me feel good about myself; for reminding me of my worthwhile qualities and abilities.
- Thank you for always being a great listener when I need an ear.
- Thanks for all your re-assurance when I am doubtful and uncertain.
- Thank you for always being real and for confiding in me and trusting me with things you're going through.
- Thank for never confiding my secrets. Well, apart from Wiki that is!!
- Thank you that I know I can always share things with you without fear of judgement.
- Thank you for your sparkle and warmth and sense of fun.
- Thank you that we can be comfortably silent together.
- Thank you for sometimes giving me a gentle push when I need it.
- Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Not only are you a loving sister, but there's no-one I'd rather spend time with.
- Thank you for co-creating many of my most cherished childhood memories - pigging out on custard, milk snorting due to so much laughing, lego building, playing snap, chocolate pilfering, Marco Polo in the pool, heart to hearts - and countless more priceless memories.
- Thank you for your moral support as a child when mum went into a tizz, or dad combed his hair for hours in the parking lot or Gramps became flirtatious with a waitress.
- Thank you for (in the distant past) keeping me in check with your killer look - there were times when I so deserved it!!
- Thank you for forgiving me for cutting your hair as a child. Although you did get me back when you helped me dye mine and it turned so orange!!!
- Thank you for going to the Matric dance with Tony and putting up with his jogging on the spot - you saved his life!
- Thank you for going overseas after school - it helped inspire me to go travelling later on (although it took a long time for me to get off my ass and do it!)
- Thank you for the way you welcomed Ally into the family.
- Thank you for visiting us in Hammersmith with Sammy and Antony - some wonderful memories.
- Thank you for the beautiful letters you've written me.
- Thank you for reading out my tribute to Gramps at his funeral - and for the wonderful tribute you wrote for Gran.
- Thank you for your priceless support from 2008 - 2010 when I was so low - it helped me more than you'll ever know.
- Thank you for visiting me in Sydney when I so needed some sunshine in my life.
- Thank you for giving birth to the most wonderful nephew and niece in the world and for being the best, most generous, most loving mum there is.
- Thank you for the wonderful family photos and updates you e-mail through, always making me feel connected to the family even when I'm so far away.
- Thank you for the beautiful calendar you send each year
- Thank you for making the best Xmas cake in the world.
- Thank for your incredible, amazing hospitality whenever I'm in Cape Town. You always make me feel so welcome and so loved.
- Thank you for being such an amazing, fantastic cook; and for all the mouth watering meals you make.
- Thank you for your help with my clothes shopping, always knowing I can trust your taste - and for the wonderful clothes you've gotten me as gifts.
- Thank you for all the lifting you do for me when I'm in Cape Town - I so appreciate it.
- Thank you for keeping me company on The Two Ocean's fun run.
- Thanks for not “blikseming” me when I pilfered from your larder.
- Thank you for introducing me to fun songs like "F**k you very much!!"
- Thank you for treating me to wonderful, relaxing massages.
- Thank you for setting up the volleyball on Camp Bay - it turned out so great.
- Thank you for our lovely walks in The Greenbelt and around the block.
- Thank you for the amazing leap photos you take - you just about always get the shot first go!!
- Thank you for offering to go in my place when I was terrified to paraglide.
- Thank you for the inspiration you constantly give me through your sensational photography - it's so wonderful to share such a great passion with you.
- Thank you for your support and encouragement of my photography and blogging.
- Thank you for your company on fun photography outings to places like The Bo Kaap, Kirstenbosch and The World of Birds.
- Thank you for all the super tricks you've taught me in Picasa. You're a real power-user!
- Thank you for putting your photos up on your walls - you've inspired me to start doing the same thing.
- Thank you for the creative inspiration you also give through your interior decor, cards and gardening.
- Thank you for the example you set in how to be a great and loyal friend - you're special to so many people; a blessing to all whose lives you touch.
- All in all, thank you for being the loving and generous soul you are. Thank you for being You; exactly You.
Card for Jo (July 2018)
Dear Jo
You're 100% amazing !! Whether you're ...
- shopping and cooling up a storm for bookclub, calm as a cucumber, at the final hour
- or crossing over a gaping void by hanging onto a root, and then encouraging me over too,
- or embracing a new program with creative flair to create something beautiful for Mike...
- or making mum laugh through her tears ...
- or providing much needed support and encouragement to your friends ...
- or fitting a dozen things into your day with military precision, keeping everything running smoothly and making everyone happy ...
- ... and still finding time to appreciate beauty and photograph a flower
Thank you for a wonderful time in Cape Town and always making me feel so loved,
G xxx
Birthday video for Jo's 50th birthday (May 2022)
See also
- Other letters sent to Jo during her year overseas
21st birthday
More recent photos of us

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