In my final year at school, I went to The Kruger National Park with a school friend, Colin Strain. We stayed at his dad's holiday home on a reserve next to the park. The highlight of the trip was my first sighting of a leopard and beautiful Bush Babies in the trees as night.
New birds seen
- African whitethroated robin
- Blackcrowned tchagra
- Bluegrey flycatcher
- Brown Snake Eagle
- Cape Vulture
- Collared sunbird
- Crested francolin
- Dark Chanting Goshawk
- Goldentailed woodpecker
- Greyheaded bush shrike
- Halfcollared Kingfisher
- Little banded goshawk
- Longbilled crombec
- Openbilled stork
- Orangebreasted bush shrike
- Purple Roller
- Purplecrested Lourie
- Southern whitecrowned shrike
- Spotted flycatcher
- Terrestrial bulbul
- Thickbilled cuckoo
- Whitebellied sunbird
- Whitecrowned Plover
- Wiretailed swallow
- Yellowbreasted apalis
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