
8 November 1976

Spiritual moments (School years: 1977 - 1988)

Aware of being aware

  • One day at school, when I was aged 9 or so, it struck me that I was aware of being aware. I realised that I could step back and be the space for my thoughts, whilst still being self-aware.  I realised I was conscious of my existence. This seemed like the most amazing thing.  I wondered if I was the only person to know this or to be this way. Whether I was special.

Luiperd's Kloof

  • After I learned I had got a distinction for my school final exams at age 18, I went up into the mountain in Betties Bay (we were on holiday there) till I reached the top of the kloof with a stunning view of the valley and ocean below, and there I reflected on the sweetness of the achievement, especially considering all the hard work and the fear of failure that had plagued me for most of my school life.  It was an experience of deep satisfaction and connection to self.

