Thank you, Life, for the experience of life on this wondrous, beautiful, challenging, adventurous planet for brave souls in this infinite dimension amongst countless other dimensions.
Thank you for the chance to love and connect, celebrate and savour, evolve in consciousness and grow in love and wisdom.
Thank you I'm not separate from you, Divine Consciousness or anyone else.
- You I Am having a human experience. You I Am imagining Yourself to be this character called Graeme and all other beings.
- An unlimited, infinite Mind I Am, able to imagine anything I wish. I've won the lottery. We all have. Right now, I'm choosing to experience exactly this.
- All is arising from your infinite Being and imagination. All exists in the realm of your Infinite Mind. All is infinite creative potential being made actual.
- Knowing all this, I expand my sense of Self to include everyone and everything. I am the collective experience of all beings. I bask in unconditional love.
Thank you life is a movie, scripted by You, directed by You and experienced by You through each and every being.
- What an epic work of art. Each frame is a cinematic masterpiece.
- Thank you for polarity and duality and the transcending of limits. This makes the movie vastly more profound, engaging, interesting and beautiful.
- Thank you that the movie is in the can, all unfolding perfectly. Thank you I can sit back in the seat of awareness and enjoy the passing show, allowing universal intelligence to run the show.
- Thank you I can share this wisdom and truth and blow other minds like mine has been blown.
- Thank you no experience is lost. All is retained in the Divine Mind in the timeless now.
Thank you for the grace and blessings that flow through this experience of life.
- Well-being & Flourishing
- Health & Vitality
- Abundance & Financial Freedom
- Love & Connection
- Compassion & Kindness
- Wisdom & Insight
- Inspiration & Creativity
- Wonder & Beauty
- Sacredness & Oneness
- Gratitude & Appreciation
- Celebration & Savouring
- Freedom & Free Time
- Exploration & Travel
- Energy & Enthusuasm
- Meaning & Purpose
- Curiosity & Discovery
- Laughter & Fun
- Stillness & Peace
- Joy & Delight
- Balance & Variety
- Challenge & Transcendence
- Discomfort and the deepening and opening it brings
Thank you for the freedom to do what I love and be fully alive.
- To focus on passion projects.
- To leave a legacy for the good of The All.
- Thank you there is no need to go into the office today or to answer to a boss.
Thank you for the beautiful beings in my life and the chance to - love & connect - be kind, compassionate and understanding - be supportive & encouraging - share experiences, inspiration, wisdom, laughter and fun be vulnerable, intimate and real.
- Family: Mum, Mike, Jo, Anthony, Matt, Sam, Mack
- Old friends: Russell, Julian, Ivor, Rory, Tony
- Hiking friends: Gavin, Srini, Rajesh, Michal, Ashesh, Anusha, the hiking gang
- Spiritual friends: Jilly, Tina, Chris, Xenia, Sushann, Aimee, Sharon, Yogi
- Teachers: Geraldine, Nick, Covey, Deepak, Kehoe, Neale, Eckhart, Mooji, Tim Freke, Rupert
- Sue, Michael
- Past relationships: Ally, Dani, Lizzy, Shona, Nicky, Caroline.
Thank you for my beautiful home
- My room, balcony, plants
- My housemates, the levels and rooms, the partitian
- Park and neighbourhood
- The rental income I get
Thank you for Wisdom Trove and "Life is a Movie"
- My day-job is a treasure hunt for truth, following in the trails of the great sages and seers in accordance with my nature: An investigator.
- The ways Wisdom Trove has enriched my life through compass and Life is God's Movie.
- Wisdom is something I get to take with me.
- The talents, qualities and experiences of this form that make it so suited: investigator, collector, in order lover, wisdom and quote lover, mystic and spiritual finder, software user, internet skills, marketing, writer (headings, bullets, prose), obsession, addiction (dex)
- The ways Wisdom Trove and Life is a Movie will benefit The All according to your plan.
- Wisdom Trove and "Life is a Movie" is unfolding exactly as it is meant to, at pace meant to. The perfect quote at the perfect time. I have the rest of my life.
- I would want to do this, even if I wasn't writing a book or a making a site. It's impact on my freedom and transcendence has been indescribably amazing. My mind has been focused on the greatest ideas ever thought.
- The sages, seers and mystics past and present.
- The quote collectors and the site builders.
- The Internet
- Macbook Pro
- Chat GPT, Evernote, Docs, Sheets, Mindmanager
- Wordpress, Plugins (search, content views, edit replace, Formiddable Forms)
- I'm dialled to where I'm meant to be dialled for the creative process to be what it is.
Thank you for wonder, beauty & sacredness and my ability to sense it, celebrate it, capture it, share it.
- Nature, wildlife, animals, birds, insects, trees, plants.
- The world's wild places: continents, oceans, forrests, jungle, mountain, cliffs, lakes, rivers, deserts, canyons, islands, beaches.
- Travel and exploring.
- Photography and cameras (Canon, intelligent autofocus, iPhone).
- Life Trove and Wonder Trove as well as Blogger.
- Sharing sacredness of life, inspiring a full life.
Thank you for
- Movies
- Music
- Food
- Sleep, Rest, Dreams
Thank you for Presence, for awareness and the awareness of being aware.
- Presence I am, resting knowingly in awareness, as awareness, attention flowing free.
- Thank you that the awareness I am exists in a timeless, dimensionless cinema and cannot be threatened, harmed, diminished or stained. The end of the character is not the end of me.
- Thank you for experience. For a body to experience through. For seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching & feeling, sensing, thinking, imagining, dreaming and having emotions.
- Thank you that all I desire lies in awareness. Lies by resting in the gap. Love, Wisdom, Insight, Inspiration, Creativity, Wonder, Sacredness, Oneness, Aliveness, Peace, Joy.
- Thank you I can sit back in the seat of Awareness, as Awareness, and savour the passing show.
- Thank you for This. All that exists here in this priceless moment of now which is all there truly is. Thank you this sensory feast to enjoy. I savour it as if I will lose all my senses tomorrow.
Thank you for Surrender
- Through resting deeply in Presence, I realise the truth of divine benevolence, intelligence, order and perfection.
- All is in the can. All is taken care of. All is unfolding excactly as it is meant to, at the pace it is meant to.
- I am exactly as I am meant to be. I am dialled to where I am meant to be. Everyone is as they are meant to be.
- I trust in divine benevolence. I surrender to Life's unfolding. I surrender to what is. I allow.
- I surrender all sense of agency and allow universal intelligence to run the show.
- There is nothing to do, nothing to think, nothing to choose. Doing, thinking, choosing happen while I rest deeply in awareness and watch it all unfold.
Thank you for Spaciousness
- Resting in the open, welcoming, accepting awareness I am, I close not. I resist not.
- Effortless in mind and body, I nurture an inmost calm in all I do.
- I flow with the journey, letting it unfold with time.
- I act where I choose, then allow all to flow.
- Relaxed and centred, letting nothing faze me.
- Rush not, I take my time. Strive not, I let it happen. Grasp not, I let go.
- I live a relaxed stroll, drinking in all the beautify and fun around me.
- Supported below, each movement is a chance to release.
- I breathe. I relax. I loosen. I let go. I go with the flow.
- I lighten up and enjoy. It's only a movie. Only a dream. A temporary experience I am having among countless other experiences and I will never cease to be.
Thank you I can sink into the empty, formless Awareness I am and become a calm, loving, open space for the Consciousness I Am to flow into the world as love, wisdom, creativity, inspiration, wonder, beauty, peace and joy.
- A space to be more and more unlimited, boundless, expanded and free.
- A space to Be
- A space
- I Am , I Am, I Am
- I recognise even the I Am is a subtle object in the Awareness I am.
- The I Am dissolves and the experiencer and experience become one and all experiencers become one.
- There is nothing but Allness Being.
- Allness Being & Imagining / Dreaming.
- This is a state that cannot be described in words.
- It is the holiest of all holies.
- Welcome to true freedom.
- How wondrous it all is.
- How I love it all.
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