- Wisdom Trove
- Life Trove
- Photography
- Camera club photo presentation
- Compass (Mindmanager, Excel, Evernote)
- The house (courtyards, photos, floors, steps, furniture)
- Tour-leading - the courage to go for it, conquests and personality
- Class medal (Maths)
- Dani: emotionally best I've ever experienced.
- Fabricmatcher
- New Rep report (Old Mutual)
- La Trobe presentation & workshops
- Going for Volvo job
- Offered South American trip by Oasis
- I've survived and lived a full life - despite my anxiety and bipolar
- Joanne's wedding speech
- Letting people know I love them (dad, mum, Jo, Gramps, Ally)
- Sue's blog
- Ally HR plan
- Wisdom Trove
- Life Trove
- Compass
- New rep report
- My photos
- Sue's blog
- The house
- Writing, poetry
- Gramp's eulogy and letter
- Jo "You give me so many compliments."
- Jo - only one who understands me
- Jo "You wear your heart on your sleeve"
- Jo letter before she went overseas (Do you remember when?)
- You're very empathetic. (Antony & Jo)
- Blog tributes
- Tribute and letter to dad
- Gran and Gramps wedding anniversary speech
- Mum's wedding speech
- Jo's wedding speech
- Appreciation letters (mum, Jo, Mike, Ant, Matt, Sam, gramps, Chrisel, Sue, Jilly)
- I just want to say that I have the best husband in the world! He kept me calm, was unbelievably supportive and when the chips were down he came through for me. G, just in case I haven't said it enough times you are fantastic!
Wisdom / Insight
- Brendan - quote resonate at workshop.
- Course of miracles quote really resonated with two people.
- 2 minute talk on intimacy - Joanna wanted to cry
- Geraldine quotes.
Calmness / spiritual / space
- Heather "You've changed. Very calm."
- Anxious! You are so calm. (Sanchit at Buddhist meditation)
- Me: "Meditation has made me calm." Ana: "I can tell."
- Dani "I love you because you're so calm."
- Marianne "So calm, chilled."
- Good listener (Dani)
- Jo: "You're in tune with emotions of others. Made me calmer."
- Pathways to Intimacy "You are a very gentle soul."
- Intimacy group: "You have a special soul."
- Helen. "Whenever I'm with you, it all comes out. So easy to talk to."
- Jo: Look for positive in others.
- Intimacy group: "You don't have any masks, do you?"
- Jilly: Very attractive man.
- Helen: "Looking good, like Ralph Fiennes"
- Liz: "He's looking great. Grown into himself."
- Liz: You look like Bradley Cooper
- Impressed by photo on RSVP - and exceeded expectations. (Dani)
- Lizzy - thought you were handsome at park, thought you were shy and nice
- Helen: Thought you were in your mid thirties.
- Teacher at Kaplan didn't believe I was 40.
- Wow, I lusted after your brother (Marianne)
- You're looking big (rugby)
- Cat suit - jealous
- Chris thinks I'm "hot shit." Tried to pair me with sexy dancer.
- Lots of kisses on RSVP, especially Dani
- Kelly - why single?
- Derek: "Really like him. Similar values."
- Hugh: You rock.
- Helen "Most intelligent guy ever met. So appreciate friendship."
- Elizabeth: Thanks for lovely chat. Enjoy talking with you.
- Brandon "Kindred spirits despite different beliefs."
- Both Mai and Ann interested in me.
- Pamela: "You've got such great genes."
- Caroline gave you thumbs up (Dani)
- Barbecue at Dani party
- Carola looked at my life-list. When you gonna invite me around for coffee
- Asa - I'm your greatest admirer!
- Maria at Hai (found you so easy to talk to, love your smile)
- Lizzy - thought you were shy and nice
- Ally, Nicky, Caroline, Shona, Dani
- Best I've experienced emotionally (Dani)
- So easy to be with, unlike most (Dani)
- You always make me feel beautiful. (Dani)
- Dani - letter
Humour / zany
- Lauren: Graeme would be looking for humour.
- My humour comes back when with people - personality not stunted.
- Corrin "You and Russell both children at heart. Brothers."
- Brandon: You're one in 12: funny and entertaining.
- Making laugh (stories to Elizabeth, GPS stories in Rozelle, Irishman jokes at Jilly's)
- Helen: "Made me laugh so much."
- Nicola - make me laugh so much (intimate with duvet)
- My coconut story - and the huge laughter it caused (hair cut, Jilly's)
- Donna" You crack me up."
- Humour when tour-leading
- Camillo (student) "You're really funny"
- Juni: Hi Graeme, thank you for the lift. You are such an entertainer.
- Making Sue and Alex laugh at dinner
- Best costume at Dani party
- You're no slouch in the fun and hilarity department (Lizzy)
- Lizzy party - laughs. I had huge balls. Can't whistle or wink. Circus act. "There is more there." said Wendy.
- Speeches - Jo, Gramps, Julian
- Night out with VIT NA in Gothenberg - make Joy laugh so much made her jaw hurt
- Teaching when confident
- Peter and Anita - rock n' roll story
- Uyuni jokes
- I always enjoy your sense of humour! (Ingrid)
- Kate in Greece - make me laugh
- Make Matt laugh in Springbok
- Camping with Shirly and co
- Tsitsikama hike
- Toastmaster speech at UCT
- Martin: Looked like something out of Vogue.
- Mum: We're speechless
- Nicola - lovely house, jealous.
- Sue "Such a great house." Her friends said so too.
- Curtain person. So nice with different levels.
- Eva - you inspired my blog
- Jo's photos
- You have a zest for life. (Sean)
- Mr Mentor (Hamish)
- Encouragement of Ana (Brazil)
- I must confess I stole this photo from Graeme, whose photos are my inspiration for starting my blog. Russell
- Nicola "Catching up with you really has given me food for thought, courage and inspiration."
- Approach + structure at meeting with Ally re divorce
- Language analysis (CELTA)
- Peter "synthesis is your gift"
- Matric - getting an A
- Pass ILPA
- Maths 101
- Computer and Wordpress skills
- Mats - say so much in a sentence
- Peter: Synthesis is your gift
- Old Mutual new rep report
- Farmers market
- Aimee: can't believe how simple yet powerful
- Poetry
- Stories written for English
- Pompei essay
- Russel survivor essay
- Blog - life story
- Dog story as a kid
- School essays
- School technology essay
Wisdom and intelligence
- A Matric
- A Celta
- Kate and my compass
- Web Council diagram: "Is he consultant?"
- Peter: Synethesis is your gift
- Steve Johnson and Charlie - mature beyond years
- You're like Steven
- You're intelligent (Eric Morrison)
- Ken Winsor thought a lot of me
- Is he director? (Sydney Airport)
- Marketing Enterprise proposal (wine)
- Yogi: You're in a different league
- Aimee discussions over many, many hours: Should make podcast
Speeches / presentations
- Ivor
- My wedding speech
- Julian's 21st
- Camera club photo presentation xxxx
- Jo's wedding - "best speech ever heard" (Brendan)
- Siegelgale course - "natural genius"
- SPM at Volvo
- Blackglass La Trobe presentation
- Mam - highest score
- training, template
- Camera club Lightroom demo
- UCT Toastmasters
- A Afrikaans
- Golden diploma - singing
- Acting award
- Pharaoh song
- 1st in class few times, and always 2nd
- Cannon - read essay
- Mam Suttle's adoration (writing, speaking)
- Rugby award
- Speech re Okovango
- 4 awards at sports day
- Record for high jump
- Swimming on both sides
- Botswana bar - climbing the pole
- Blowing Ally's cousin away
- Volleyball blast off
- Blading
- hold breath 3 mins
- Research Int, Old Mutual, Fin portal, Oasis, Home Choice, Volvo, Barclay's interview, Javis interview, e- business strategy
Following through
- Meditation for a year
- No sugar for a month
- And managed to live a pretty full life...
- Losing money
- Divorce
- London out of work
- Sydney out of work
- Start of teaching
- Siegelgale at the end
- Blackglass at the end
- You are a great teacher, too. If you back to teaching, the students will have great lessons. (Ana)
- Scanning lessons, arrive at 8 and ready by 8.15. 15 mins prep before school.
- Lauren: "Lauren is amazed" "This is amazing!" (blog)
- Lauren: I'm blown away" (Teacher Trove)
- Linda: "Graeme! Your blog is amazing." 66 pages. Called Aparna in.
- Principal: Your photos are fantastic.
- You're a good teacher! (Bella + Gustavo + Melanie + Michaela and co)
- Your lesson is very interesting. Thank you. (ghost stories at last minute)
- Girl wanted to stay in my business class
- Funny video of BBC Guy - hilarity
- Riddles
- Anat changed back to my class
- Max: "Best teacher ever had"
- Anat - this is excellent (twice)
- Elementaries - you're such a good teacher. Best in Kaplan.
- Michala and Mattheus very happy with my lessons - fun (Phi)
- Upper Int students were saying they enjoy your lessons (Aparna)
- Michala - we missed you on Tuesday
- CELTA (my friend Russell) - it was so useful
- Keeping going with my teaching (and stepping right up) when student left class
- My triumphant lessons to CELTA students
- My Twists English lesson
- My Halloween lesson
- Melbourne Cup facts
Old Mutual
- UCT thesis + presentation
- Pieter Bester "So good at writing"
- New Rep report
- Farmers market
- Early reports with diagrams
- Volvo CMS user manual
- Web Council off the cuff presentations (mind map, organisation model)
- webcentre site (Volvo)
- cms training (esp Trucks)
- managing budget (pivot table)
- Used Equipment project (Mascus)
- Building Violin for Europe
- e-business strategy ppt (Volvo)
- Sales & Marketing Master Plan (Volvo)
- SPM presentation (Volvo)
- Technical Director job description
- Presentation to dealer council with mind manager
- Web Council off cuff (Mindmanger) + Denmark dealer presentation
- Volvo (training, SPM presentations, strategy presentations)
- Fabricmatcher (concept, wire frames, functional spec)
- La Trobe University - presentation (Warren ecstatic)
- Superwoman
- Sydney Airport
- The Food Coach
- Very professional - Warren
- Strategy as a table (Blackglass)
- Mindmaps in workshops
- Blueprint as a ppt (Blackglass)
- No-one else can put a report together like you (Kevin)
- Financial projections in excel
- Safe Host,
- Hapoalim sad to lose me
- Peter's synthesis is your gift
- Ken's respect (reference)
- genius presenter
- Hapoalim web audit
- Safehost project
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